Fit Tips, Strength Training

Saturday Sweat And Strength Circuit Challenge

Throughout my fitness journey I’ve increased my strength, speed and endurance.

I started out only going to the gym only 2-3 times a week doing cardio and light weights. The more I learned and educated myself within the world of health and fitness, I’ve been able to step up my game when it comes to training. I dabble around in yoga, hiit training, powerlifting and circuit training. I enjoy different forms of training to see what my body is capable of. has been a huge part of my transformation. I can’t even begin to tell you all the knowledge and information that’s available. You can purchase your supplements, follow workouts/nutrition plans, learn about specific topics and follow the journey of fellow peers like yourself in the ‘body space’ section. This is awesome to join so you can have the help and support system needed to get yourself where you want to be.

It’s Saturday, I have off and I’m ready to hit the gym and train hard! Below is a fitness routine from one of my favorite fitness role models, Ashley Horner. I challenge you to this workout! Remember, if you find it to be too difficult, don’t give up all together! When trying routines and certain workout plans, customize them to what is doable for you, then set your GOAL to being able to complete the workout as is!

Focus on those numbers, not the ones on the scale!

Happy Saturday!


4 thoughts on “Saturday Sweat And Strength Circuit Challenge”

  1. Thanks for sharing what motivates you! It’s awesome to know that there are other female athletes out there!! As athletes we share a common bond. For this reason, we’ve recently created a website and forum for the only people who understand you: other athletes. We bring together former and current athletes and provide a supportive and non-judgmental space for individuals to share their athletic triumphs and struggles. We’d love to hear how working out affects you! See the forums page. We also have a feature that allows athletes to see where there are other athletes in your area (See the members and events page). Thank you for your consideration! Margaret

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I cannot agree with you more! is a perfect source when it comes to bodybuilding knowledge and “know-hows”. One of the best parts about this article is the fact that you just told a bunch of people to adjust the workout plans that they can find on For some reason everybody believes that since that they are suppose to thoroughly follow the workout plan bit by bit and once they notice that they are not getting the promised results, they give up and blame their genetics, or even worse the workout plan itself.

    Really glad for you hope you continue to see great results.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! is a beginners bible! It helped me so much! Especially when I didn’t have any close friends or anyone at the time interested in my same goals. I don’t know what I would have done without it!


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